Consumer Advocacy
"Over the years, we have worked with cancer advocacy members to ensure our research is aligned with patient needs"
What is consumer engagement?
Consumer Engagement is a partnership between researchers and consumers to improve decisions on cancer research priorities, practice and policies.
Consumers might be patients or at risk individuals; carers; organisations representing cancer consumer interests; members of the public who are targets of cancer promotion programs; or groups affected in a specific way as a result of cancer policy, treatments or services.
Sue Succhy joined the Tran Lab as a Consumer member of the TCRN Consumer Advisory Committee. She has a interest in preventing and helping patients with oral cancer.
With two Degrees, one in Science and one in Industrial Relations, but now retired, Sue has the knowledge, skills and time plus firsthand experience as a patient of a variety of cancer treatments and interventions to advocate strongly on behalf of cancer patients.
Sue is also a member of Cancer Voices and has undertaken the NSW Cancer Council’s Training for Consumers involved in Research. Sue is a member of Health Consumers NSW and strongly believes in the rights of patients to be actively involved in health outcomes.
Sue will bring a life time worth of patient experience to the team to help develop the research biomarker theme.